Friday, October 11, 2013

Nadia Farooqui Fall Collection 2013 for Women

In 2011, this designer started with her career line and now she is one of the promising fashion designers of this fashion sector of Pakistan. Her hub offers casual wear, formal wear, semi formal wear and party wear dresses. This fashion hub has all come up with its fall dress collection 2013 that will without a doubt be capturing your attention.

Nadia Farooqui fall collection 2013 for women consists of long shirts that have been embellished in a marvelous and tempting way. This hub has excessively made use of embroidery work and print work on these stunning and magical shirts and they have been fused together with tights and trousers. It is a modern collection that also possesses an element of traditional touch in it. Some of the shirts have been kept with lighter color mode and some of the shirts have been adorned with dark colored shades. We will be having common colors like red, navy, aqua, purple, orange, green, maroon, white and black.

It is high time to catch up with this fall collection 2013 by Nadia Farooqui right now! Have a look at the pictures too of this collection line and let us know your rating. This is only the glimpse of this collection that we have shared with you people, if you want to have detail check out then get up and go and make a visit to the outlet of Nadia Farooqui hub right now. Yes, fashion market of Pakistan is making progress by day and one day this fashion market will be internationally recognized for sure.

1 comments so far

styles are good

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